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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  September 22, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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welcome to "world news tonight." this evening, new videos showing the increasing danger to americans from isis. three american cities where they've seen -- brian ross is rear. and the armed intruder, running across the white house lawn. what was discovered in his car. were warning signs ignored? and what the ravens are now saying after claims they tried to cover up this video. and you won't believe what
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happens next in this video. good evening, it's great to have you with us on a monday night. we begin with the newest call to action this evening. the direct threat from isis. many westerners who join their side. and an urgent hunt for any american that may be thinking of joining the group. we begin with brian ross. what are you learning? >> reporter: the three cities, that's where they're going to start. confronting the threat from isis is now the highest urgency. >> reporter: as isis turned up the tempo of its propoganda machine today, with new videos of its military-like formations, and dire threats to american civilians. u.s. officials revealed details of a promised crackdown on westerners who want to join isis
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or already have, like these britons appearing in a new video today. >> we are working very closely with our international partners to try and mitigate this threat -- to keep eyes on these individuals and to monitor their movements. >> reporter: u.s. officials said efforts to shut down the jihad pipeline to isis will focus on boston, minneapolis and los angeles. cities that have already sent a number of young recruits, men and women for the terror group. the urgency of the coming white house push against isis was underscored today by one of the terror group's weekend propaganda messages. its chief spokesperson urged supporters around the world, "if you can kill a disbelieving american or european, especially the spiteful and filthy french, or an australian, or a canadian, then rely upon allah, and kill him in any manner or way -- however it may be."
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today, isis followers in algeria posted this video of a man who they will behead in 24 hours. and three -- never a threat to the u.s. and i want to bring in martha raddatz tonight. as you know, the images pouring in. more than 100,000 families in danger. >> well, the attacks have been relentless. using tanks and artillery. 100,000 streaming across the border into turkey.
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it points to the urgency of the problem. the u.s. has been targeting places in iraq, and also considering strikes in syria as well. the u.s. has been picking targets for weeks. including weapons, convoys, and any training area. and the president will be at the u.n. this week trying to get support. >> martha and brian, thank you both. and now to a scare at the white house. after this suspect sprints across the lawn, storming to the front door just after the president left. tonight, were warning signs missed? we've now learned what authoritied discovered long before. pierre thomas now. >> reporter: today, federal prosecutors declared the man who
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leaped over a fence and charged into the white house a danger to the president. he travels more than 100 yards unimpeded before he gets to the front door of the white house. this, as disturbing new evidence today portrays the suspect as an unstable man obsessed with the white house who had been heavily armed during the recent arrest. on july 19th, wytheville, virginia, omar gonzalez allegedly tries to evade place after driving erratically. authorities discover an arsenal in his vehicle, including a sawed-off shotgun, assault rifles, sniper rifles with scopes, and handguns. and perhaps more troubling, virginia state police discovered a map of washington, d.c., with a line drawn to the white house. virginia authorities tell abc news they contacted the secret service, but tonight there are real questions about how aggressively the agency followed
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up. he was freed on bond. by august 25th, gonzalez, a homeless iraq war veteran, has made his way to washington. in another encounter with police, gonzalez is walking along the south fence of the white house, this time with a hatchet in his waistband. then, last friday, only four minutes after president obama and his daughters leave the white house, gonzalez climbs over this fence and runs toward the residence. >> the secret service flubbed the entire incident. the most basic task, they could not perform. that was to tackle this guy, send dogs after this guy. >> reporter: the secret service has a lot of explaining to do about the man who jumped this fence behind me. in his car a few blocks away, police say they discovered 800 rounds of ammunition, machetes, and hatchets. david? >> pierre, thank you. >>. >> and new investigation in the nationwide hunt for a cop killer. for the first time, police say
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they are closing in on the suspect. tonight, in pennsylvania, families locking their doors. linzie janis is right there. >> reporter: law enforcement scouring dense rocky terrain with dogs and helicopters. on the hunt for fugitive eric frein. tonight, police say their efforts are paying off. authorities following all leads including the discovery of a kalishnikov style rifle and two ak-47 clips, they say left in the woods by the 31-year-old accused of assassinating one state trooper and wounding another. >> continue to use common sense. this is a very dangerous situation. >> reporter: nearby schools remain closed. the manhunt has police scanners crackling. >> do not leave your vehicle. stay covered and stay by your vehicle. >> reporter: police using the latest technology in the search. helicopters equipped with thermal cameras that detect body heat.
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the same technology used to net one of the alleged boston bombers, this dark image in the back of a boat, 19-year-old dzhokar tsarnaev. where could frein be? local hunters wonder if he may be able to evade law enforcement with a tool like this, a mylar blanket. so if he is under this, you're saying helicopters won't be able to pick him up with thermal imaging? >> if anything i think it would cut it down. >> reporter: residents being told to be vigilant. keep doors and windows locked throughout the night. tonight, ray rice's team coming out swinging, and word of some of the legal defense rice plans to use. he's going to point to the same tape. it nearly destroyed his career,
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and pointing to a stutter in the tape, saying it doesn't tell the whole tale. abc's ryan smith. >> reporter: tonight, an extraordinary admission. the ravens owner saying he didn't demand to see the video of rice hitting his then fiancee. >> there's no excuse. it never crossed my mind. i'm sorry for that. >> repter: disputing a report that team officials knew the entire time. >> they are building a case for reinstatement. and the best way to do that is to make everybody else look like they're lying. >> reporter: rice has filed an appeal, reportedly saying the
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video was edited by tmz. tmz has always said the video was edited to make it look less jerky. >> i'm not quite sure what we could hear about editing that that would change the nation's perception. >> reporter: espn saying they're standing by their story. and the ravens owner saying he could one day welcome rice back to help young players who made mistakes. at least ten wildfires raging. and watch this, one fire exploding in size, now to more than 87,000 acres. and new worries. threatening winds on the way. aditi roy on the story. >> reporter: this is a mangled
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mess. the pool behind me is all that remains. 5,000 fire fighters coming from as far away as alaska. and the blaze could be seen from up to 140 miles away. the fire, now roughly the size of atlanta, prompting firefighters to drop retard dant. meanwhile, the man thought to have started the fire remains. and from fires to the massive flooding. a car caught in the water, and the driver did not survive. ginger zee is withes, tracking it. what concerns you the most?
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>> well, the moisture left over from odile. and the flooding in south east new mexico, texas, ongoing flash flood threats, and also a risk of severe weather in colorado. and good news for those fires. look at this, early wednesday, parts of washington state and oregon getting rain. and down to sacramento, could pick up a quarter inch or more. and whether you like it or not, fall begins tonight. and we're going to turn to a new twist in the search for the young college student in virginia. her parents asking for your help.
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last week, we showed you the surveillance tape. tonight, the case has taken a new turn. steve osunsami with the new image tonight. >> reporter: police armed with another search warrant went looking for evidence again today at the home of 32-year-old jesse matthew, a hospital nursing assistant they're desperate to talk with about the disappearance of second year student hannah graham. police say here he is, in surveillance videos from a downtown mall just minutes before she last texted friends a week ago saturday. after 1:00 a.m. he's seen here, and then seconds later she's walking in the opposite direction on the other side. at some point police believe he crosses over. in video police have not yet released, they say his arms are around her waist and they walk into this restaurant and bar, where he buys her drinks. she already had plenty that night. >> we want to talk with him. we want to talk about his interaction with a sweet young
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girl that we can't find. >> reporter: in a strange turn, matthew is now wanted for reckless driving, after an incident saturday at police headquarters. he walked in appearing ready to talk, asked for a lawyer, spoke with one, and then left without answering any questions. police charged him after they say he dangerously sped away. take a look. this is matthew's car, seized friday. police believe he and the missing student left in it together. they're testing it for fibers, still waiting for the results. graham's parents, beyond upset, >> all we want is to bring her home safely. >> reporter: more than 200 people, many of them uva students, searched this city high and low. she was last seen walking this street, but there's still no sign of her. and as every day passes they worry more, david. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight." getting answers when it comes to the extended
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warranties. what our reporter discovered. and look at these vintage race cars, flipping, the driver's legs through the windshield when it lands. and oh, no, this family thought they had a derek jeter baseball. but watch this. the little girl threw it back on the field. wait until you hear what the announcers say next. do you know how much that ball was worth? that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet? [announcer]when we make beyond natural dry dog and cat foods.
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one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. i wish that there was something i could do to help. some people with shingles will have long term nerve pain which can last for a few months to a few years. don't wait until someone you love develops shingles. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. next tonight, the big question about the expensive appliances and computers you have in your home. do you buy it or risk going without it? gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: what if you pay hundreds of dollars to buy an extended warranty on your kitchen appliances only to find out a critical piece isn't covered?
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wouldn't you know it, your ice maker wasn't covered. >> it's not covered. >> reporter: with the appliances a few years old, david hofteaser found this company, stanley warranty, and says he thought he was getting the same kind of protection his original warranties gave him. so you pay about $1,000 into this warranty? >> they finally said to me, the reason we haven't followed up service is because your ice maker is not covered. >> reporter: here's what's covered. the refrigerator and freezer. six pages in, the contract says, ice maker controls are not covered. so we went right to the ceo of stanley warranty, stanley himself. >> the reason you buy an insurance policy is to make sure when something does happen you are covered. the key is to read, make sure you go through every line. >> reporter: why is the ice maker excluded? >> it's a high volume item that gets broken by people abusing it. so we have separate coverage for that.. >> we're not saying they may
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never work out. but on the whole, you're much better taking the money that you would put into a service contract, put it in the bank. look to see if the credit card you use to buy the product had a program where it extends the manufacturer's warranty. >> reporter: as for the hofteasers, they got that ice maker fixed, after paying another $140! >> i'd say read the fine print. >> reporter: gio benitez, ap abc news, new york. when we come back, the extraordinary moment on the racetrack. we'll show you what happened next. and then -- >> oh, no. >> they were all horrified. the little girl throws back the ultimate prize. a derek jeter baseball. and we asked some auction houses, what was that ball worth?
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in the index, a wild moment on the track. the 1955 chevy rolls over the driver's leg through the windshield. fans saying he had an angel riding shotgun. and where the wild things are, tonight, salt lake city. sprinting cross a lawn and a fence. tonight, the big cat has been released back into the wild. and, remember this song? ♪ >> pink floyd, announcing a new album coming in november. and watch a mother's face as her tiny daughter does the unthinkable. back in a moment.
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many of you tweeting me during break hoping this ends well. a moment turning to horror to a father and mother and their daughter, all derek jeter fans. >> reporter: even if you're not a yankees fan, so many cheering on derek jeter in his final week. 20 years. same team. same trademark dedication. over the weekend, so many talking about one seemingly ordinary foul ball. because of what came afterward. the blue jays' danny valencia tossing the ball into the stands. you can see the dad holding the ball, mom with her ipad recording it. >> reporter: his daughter threw it back. the announcers taken aback. >> time out on the field. >> reporter: there was even a replay. >> oh, no. you just threw away your college
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education. >> reporter: the ball boy gets the ball. and everyone wants it. those little fans whispering into his ear. and dad up in the stands, his hand on his head. until they bring him down. >> the foul ball saga continues. >> reporter: dad heads back into the stands, where the little one is waiting. >> dad is going to keep this one. >> reporter: we called some auction houses tonight, and that ball, even a foul ball, during derek jeter's last week, could fetch thousands one day. but even if it doesn't, it already has a good story. >> dad's going to hold on to that one for a while. i'll see you right back here tomorrow night. until then, good night. from sony pictures studios, it's america's game.
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wheel... of... fortune! ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of our show, pat sajak and vanna white. hi, everybody. hey, jim [ cheers and applause ]


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